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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Driving down the expressway listening to the smooth jazz station, I glance over at the rear window of an SUV traveling to my right. Tweetie Bird, pasted to the window, is playfully gazing back at me. Inscribed next to the parakeet is the word "whatever". Okay, cute, maybe. I start to think about how the word is such a "cop out" word. It can also denote negativism from the person saying it. Surely we've all had our "whatever" moments. I've found that it is much more calming to discuss whatever brought on the need to use the cliche`. Getting to a place where discussion is more productive than settling for a colloquial phrase can be refreshing. In any disagreement or discussion I also feel that the parties should realize that they each have opinions and their right to express them should not be overlooked. Getting into dialogue with an irate person is the pits. It is draining, confusing and void of any sense. I guess that's why people simply say, "whatever".

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