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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

It is truly a wonderful time to be alive. While the cool winds blow and the snow drifts in some parts of the country, we know we are going through a transition. The challenge remains to live up to the credo that “all men are created equal” and that being the case, let's embrace the years to come with thanksgiving. I thank God for an opportunity to live to see a day in which we can rise above separation and ban together for the common good of all mankind. My mind thinks positive thoughts as my family and I strive toward a more sound stability. Everyone is working, is in good health, and in good spirits. This is a Thanksgiving Day I will not forget.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just Published...
Looking for the Promise
Patrice Baylor Leigh

This story was very captivating, I didn’t want to put it down. Marva really pulls you into her story, she makes you feel like you are sitting right there watching her as she strolls down memory lane. I guess its true what they say about not judging a book by its cover. Buy it, read it! —Kim H.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! You feel as if you form an intimate relationship with the characters as you read the book. As the characters’ lives undergo tumultous twists and turns, Patrice's vivid and colorful language cause you to become totally enraptured as the events unfold. With the surprising, yet delightful ending, this is a book you will find yourself reading again and again. Enjoy! —Vicki Selese
Available at any online store or pre-order from major bookstores.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No More Drama

November 5,2008

At a 6:50 this morning I sat in front of my television watching the recap of the presidential race. All of a sudden a wave of relief flowed over my body and I began crying. Crying, for what? I had not thought so much emotion would exude as a result of the outcome of this race. Nor had I given much thought to my volunteer efforts during the last few months of Barack Obama's campaign. It was difficult to not help the campaign in some manner. The idle hours I had acquired due to not being fully employed, were put to great use.

Looking at the computer screen photo of my first grandson, I said quietly, “you have a future and it is brighter”. This was the line I used to get his dad to go and vote. I couldn't imagine why anyone would be so negligent as to not vote in this monumental, historical election. I was happy. The tides were beginning to turn. I knew that I would be secure in the arms of a loving God and the choice He had made for the highest leadership position of this great country.