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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Special K

When I found out you had run away from home my heart sank. You are such a special little lady that I couldn't perceive why you would just disappear from our lives. Sometimes you don't understand the impact you have on the lives of those who are near you. It would be a different feeling, one of pride if your leaving was to go to school, or join the peace corp or some other humanitarian effort. But, you just left. No explanation, no calls, no see you later I've got something to do, you just left. What really hurts is that you didn't consider that the adults in your life are here for you, to talk to you, to nurture you, to help you get past your own hurts. Was your life and conditions so bad that you had to ignore us and go off? And have you forgotten how to pray? Try that, He's waiting to hear from you...We're here Special K, anytime you want to talk.

Love you,

Mouth Closed, Ears Opened

Sometimes people miss their blessings by always talking and complaining, when the most expedient thing to do is listen and respond accordingly. Have you ever tried talking to a grown up-baby. When we want things to go our way we over talk one another, don't take time to listen to the facts and yes opinions of others. Its psychological, "I must be heard and I will turn a deaf ear to what you have to say." That way I am ensured that I am right and you are wrong. Really? You know the adage, there are three sides to every story; your side, my side and the TRUTH! There is another story about a man who was accused of a wrong doing. On every hand he was being stripped of his clothing by his accusers. He kept on walking and kept on believing that the TRUTH of the matter would be discovered. He kept on walking, while his accusers laid behind him taunting and gossiping about him and stripping him still. Soon he arrived in the little town where he conducted his business. He walked into town as naked as a plain baked potatoe. All of the accusations had been stripped from him and he showed up in this town as THE NAKED TRUTH. Remember when you are in a disagreement there are three sides to the story, and you can be sure the NAKED TRUTH will show up eventually.


Driving down the expressway listening to the smooth jazz station, I glance over at the rear window of an SUV traveling to my right. Tweetie Bird, pasted to the window, is playfully gazing back at me. Inscribed next to the parakeet is the word "whatever". Okay, cute, maybe. I start to think about how the word is such a "cop out" word. It can also denote negativism from the person saying it. Surely we've all had our "whatever" moments. I've found that it is much more calming to discuss whatever brought on the need to use the cliche`. Getting to a place where discussion is more productive than settling for a colloquial phrase can be refreshing. In any disagreement or discussion I also feel that the parties should realize that they each have opinions and their right to express them should not be overlooked. Getting into dialogue with an irate person is the pits. It is draining, confusing and void of any sense. I guess that's why people simply say, "whatever".

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Can A Woman Be Too Busy?

The last couple of weeks have been very grueling. It's not going to let up. I have to pack up my house, call the services, Salvation Army, a storage company, tutor a couple of students, write a few songs, write a play and collaborate with a few musicians and writers. I can't wait to be able to get a solid night's sleep. So, tonight I drank a cup of my favorite tea and decided to turn off the television so I could get to sleep. Tomorrow I'll be up at 4:00am because my dual purpose is to get my kid to work, and tutor another. The forty mile drive to the student's house is interesting. Traffic shouldn't be too heavy at that time of morning, but in case it is, I have a wonderful CD I picked up on Thursday night to listen to during my drive time. Its Inspirational and thought provoking. Until I can get my hands back on my jazz collection, (one of my son's decided he was into Jill Scott) I'll be inspired. My student, believe it or not, will be waiting for me at 7:45AM. Yeah right! He'll be fooling around, looking for something to eat, complaining about his schedule and trying to throw me off my game by talking about basketball. Yeah, he's funny. But he's a good kid and I don't mind helping him as much as I can. Its going to be a great day!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What a Mess!

This housing crisis has turned ordinarily calm people into nervously, twitching, about to breakdown crazy people. It was bound to happen, and much more is to come if we don't get it together and learn how to make adjustments. During this time of high priced gas, and food what can we do? I'll tell you. Learn how to make adjustments. If we can live well for less, we might be the better for it. Our nation is under attack but it is one that we can deal with through prayer. What's prayer got to do with it? Everything! I for one can't sit around complaining about the unfortunate incidents that have happened in my life. I have to forge ahead and make the best of a bad situation. If that means giving up my beautiful home, three cars, a career that I absolutely adored and discretionary income; so be it. We can make it if we try, we can make it we'll get by, yes we can!

Love to you,


Recently I was talking to a friend about a few things that was troubling him. He felt that he was under a heavy attack. Things weren't going well for him and his mortgage company was refusing to take his mortgage payment. (That happens for various reasons.) I listened to him and wondered why he would share this with me. Other than the fact that we have developed a pretty good friendship, he knows he can talk to me about things going on in his life. The mortgage situation is going on all over the country and people who were once secure are loosing their homes and possessions. I have resolved to not worry about the stuff I can't handle. The best advice I could give him was to move on to Plan B. "Don't you have a Plan B", I inquired? What is Plan B? Simply pack up your stuff and move. In most cases people are young enough to withstand this kind of setback. They can bounce back with good council and determination. Even though the country is going through turmoil in housing; gas and grocery prices; hold on. Don't panic because your lifestyle is changing - its only stuff anyway. Thank God for your health and your loved ones. It will be alright.