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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gabourey Hosts Saturday Night Live

I saw a commercial that Gabourey Sidibe was hosting the Saturday Night Live Show. Although I missed the original broadcast, I was able to see the show through the wonders of Comcast On Demand. Gabourey was kinda funny and the multiple characters she played let us know that she just may have acting chops. Or...was she just be silly? She stumbled on some of her lines, and appeared to struggle a bit in some of the many scenes she was cast. She made up for it with her conviction to the role of the moment. From the Jamaican nurse to the gray haired woman in the window (which I thought was really funny), to the sassy Valley Girl selling alarm clocks Sidibe did her thing. That infectious laugh you could hear in the background during scenes she was not in let everyone know Gabby was in the house. I didn't quite understand the connection with the blond haired former boyfriend who was trying to woo her back to him. That was just dumb, unless of course they were trying to say Gabby digs European men.

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