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Friday, October 23, 2009

The Real Housewives

The Real Housewives of Atlanta or “Keeping it Real in the ATL” is what it should be called because of the “down home and scrappy" way Bravo perceives the ladies. Their agenda is to keep it real to keep us watching. Bravo’s way of presenting the ladies of Atlanta is as bourgeois princesses who jump form house to house, have public fall outs with friends, back stab, and wreck homes. This is not acceptable and not the least bit cute. Is this what Atlantan women are really all abou? Is this some new kind of crazy? Ah, but that’s life. We hate to see it in our face, but week after week we tuned in to see what the reality chicks were doing that might make our own lives seem a little more perfect.
Here’s a play by play of the final episode in case you missed it. Sheree’s fashion show a la Dwight went off without a hitch. Dwight insisted that he knew best. As it turned out, according to Bravo, he did. Without his staging vision combined with his gi’normous talent for displaying all things beautiful, Sheree’s show might not have met her own expectations. She thanked Dwight and Dwight reciprocated by walking on stage with her to present her with flowers. I think his ego wouldn’t allow the public to think that Sheree had done it all by herself.
Kim needs to give that man his ring back. It’s only a ploy so he can keep playing. And by the way, why is Kim portrayed as the victim of wrath by NeNe et. al. I can hear NeNe now, “unfair, unfair”. And Kim, how dare you boast about changing wigs every day to the tune of $12,000 a month! Take that money and buy a couple of clues.
NeNe wants Greg to be okay with her wanting to bond with her alleged father. Greg empathically says “No, I’m not going to be okay. ” Hold on NeNe, hold on to the bird in the hand.
I wondered how the show would treat the passing of Kandi’s financee, AJ. They showed clips of a Mother’s Day gathering with Kandi’s and AJ’s people. Kandi’s mom was very cordial to AJ and finally accepted him as Kandi’s choice. It was important that we have that lasting memory of the two of them.
And finally where is Lisa in all of this? She’s being a fabulous cupi doll, dressed and ready to impress at Sheree’s fashion show. But the eyes tell it all.
Enough of the housewives, I have a life to get back to.

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