Sometimes I wonder how it is that people become dream stealers, career crushers, imitators. Never before have I payed much attention to these kinds of people because I didn’t think I ever had anything worth stealing or imitating. But now I know that there are a few who would like to be me. Not like me, but me. Yes I said it. There are a few copy cats out there with my MO. Even now I don’t let it bother me because I know that the truth will shine through. I remember some years ago when I approached a record producer about recording my group. He was into recording choirs so I made the intros and made it happen. I worked on the project to help it come to life. At the end of the session and the records were pressed, I looked for my name in the credits. Hmmm there were special thanks but no producer credits. That credit was given to the choir director. Again when I wrote a song for a major choir I listed the musicians that collaborated with me as I am a fair person. When the royalties were being distributed and the credits were given, one of the musicians was awarded a third of the song. Hmmmm! Now I don’t think as highly of myself as I should but I was perturbed that my work was being claimed by another. Who does that?
This afternoon as I watched cable access I listened to the VP of Tyler Perry Studios as he introduced Kim Fields Morgan, a recipient of the Trailblazer Award for Film I had a thought. Mrs. Fields-Morgan was being honored for her 30 year career in film and it was fitting that the VP of Tyler Perry Studios make an introduction as she is now directing the sitcom from that studio, “Meet the Browns”. My interest followed the story of her career and her work ethic on the set.
I think now of the few kids in my after school program that clamor for attention from anyone who walks through the door. One little boy is a pro at this to the point that he's downright aggravating. He attempts to gain all of the attention as the older children amuse themselves with distractions. I get annoyed sometimes because he interferes with the other children getting their proper time and attention while in my care. Ms. Fields-Morgan the story goes on is on the set of Meet the Browns and one of the extras is over zealous. Before Kim rushes in [angrily] to correct the situation someone else intervenes. I thought of how sometimes we let people get away with stealing our dreams and our goals by not “correcting them”. Today we say “checking them”. If it were not for the Kim Fields Morgan’s of the world who fight for the underdog and the integrity of a scene all of the scene stealers would go on their merry way, content that they have stolen something from someone that they want to be. My motto after having many scenes stolen from me is---make 'em work for it and move to the side so Kim can see them trying to steal your scene.